What licenses do I need to pull a DOB permit?
Licensing Insurance DOB Guidelines:
- Your license/registration/tracking number(s) must appear on all forms.
- Your business name and address must match Department records.
- Any corrected forms must be submitted by your insurance producer or insurance broker.
The Certificate Holder box must read:
New York City Department of Buildings Attn: Licensing & Exams Unit 280 Broadway, 6th Floor New York, NY 10007
- If you update a cancelled policy, you must submit a letter of reinstatement along with the updated insurance certificate.
- All information must be typed. Handwritten corrections will not be accepted.
- Updated insurance certificates must be submitted to the email address that corresponds with the license type.
- Insurance certificates are required to be in PDF
- Pictures of insurance certificates will not be accepted.
- Insurance email subject line must include a license number(s) and license type(s).
NOTE:Insurance Certificates will no longer be accepted via fax
General Liability Insurance
- Each occurrence must be a minimum of one million dollars.
- Your insurance producer/broker must provide an original signed and notarized Certification by Broker
Accepted Forms:
- Acord 25 (2013/04) – Certificate of Liability Insurance
- Acord 25 (2014/01) – Certificate of Liability Insurance
- Acord 25 (2016/03)– Certificate of Liability Insurance
Workers Compensation Insurance
- The business telephone number is required on C105.2 (9/15) and GSI 105.2 (2/02).
Accepted Forms:
- Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Ins (NYS Insurance Fund only)
- 2 (9/15) – Certificate of Workers’ Compensation Insurance
- GSI 105.2 (2/02)– Certificate of Participation in Workers’ Compensation
Disability Insurance
- A business telephone number must be included.
- Your insurance policy number and Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) must appear on your Disability certificate.
Accepted Forms
- DB 120.1 (12-13)– Certificate of Compliance with Disability Benefits Law
- DB 120.1 (09-15)– Certificate of Compliance with Disability Benefits Law
- DB 120.2 (02-13)– Certificate of Compliance with Disability Benefits Law
Exemption from Workers’ Compensation & Disability Insurance
You may submit an Affidavit of Exemption from worker’s compensation and disability insurance if there are no employees in your company.
NOTE: General Contractors (Registered/Non-Registered) and Safety Registration applicants cannot submit an affidavit of exemption.
- You must submit the original Affidavit (not a copy).
- Your Affidavit must have an original signature and date.
Accepted Forms:
- CE-200 – Certificate of Attestation of Exemption from New York State Worker’s Compensation and/or Disability Benefits Insurance Coverage
Submitting Certificates
Email your scanned PDF Insurance Certificates to one of the email addresses below:
- Elevator Agency Directors – ElevatorAgencyinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov
- Oil Burner Equipment Installers – Oilburnerinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov
- Plumbing and Fire Suppression Contractors – PlumbingandFireSupinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov
- Master and Special Electricians – Electricianinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov
- Riggers and Sign Hangers – RiggerandSignHangerinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov
- Registered General Contractors, Safety Registrations, and Insurance Tracking Numbers – GCinsurance@buildings.nyc.gov